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Expert Answers to All Your Study Abroad Questions!

We assist students in securing Bachelor’s, Master’s, and PhD admissions in top universities across China. We guide students based on their academic background and career goals.

Yes, international students can work part-time with university approval. However, full-time work is not allowed during studies. Research assistant-ships and internships are available for students.

Yes! We handle everything from application submission, document verification, scholarship assistance, and visa guidance. You just need to provide the required documents, and we take care of the rest.

Yes! We handle everything from application submission, document verification, scholarship assistance, and visa guidance. You just need to provide the required documents, and we take care of the rest.

The key documents include:

  • Passport copy

  • Academic transcripts & certificates

  • Passport-size photos

  • Personal statement (SOP)

  • Recommendation letters (for Master’s & PhD)

  • English/Chinese language certificate (if required)